『& ROSY』June issue – 2
『TRES MARIA milk』was picked up in the feature 7 things to do before changing into swim wear as one of the ways to stop darkening in & ROSY magazine (Page 88), issued on 22nd April.
Replenish moisture with a feminine care moisturizer
“Rubbing your skin against underwear or tightening the skin with underwear often causes friction or inflammation.” (by Dr. Takako) Check if the size of your underwear is suitable and take a moisturizing ritual into your feminine care.
Infused with 10 beauty essences that are gentle to feminine area. Highly moisturizing power gives nourishing, brightening and anti-itching care.
TRES MARIA milk 100mL
Brightening care by Dr. Takako at Matsukura HEBE Daikanyama sounds wonderful too.